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Play Based Learning

Play based and investigative learning is an integral part of students learning here at Felixstow Primary School. Using play as a context for learning, children are motivated to explore, experiment, discover and problem solve through building, creating, nature play and dramatic play. Play based learning encourages the development of student’s social skills and understandings through partner and team work. It also supports the development of vocabulary and oral language skills which are crucial to English skills development. 

Felixstow students engage in programs such as:

  • Investigation is a program used in the early years’ classes. Students will use metacognition strategies to enhance their learning through play by developing plans before engaging in play and reflecting on their learning with their classmates. In this way play develops children’s executive function skills of self-regulation, planning and problem-solving throughout the process. Teachers plan play centres that connect to the curriculum and are based on children’s interests. Oral language is a focus of Investigation building language skills through vocabulary building, the language of learning and social talk. Children learn how to ask questions and comment on others’ learning, developing their thinking skills and positive learning dispositions.
  • Forest Play which allows students to access designated nature play areas. Students work as a team to create flow paths for their man-made river. They use trees and sticks to build houses and create imaginative games that involve exploring the environment.
  • Inquiry Learning approaches are learning approaches that are a commonly used strategy in all classes at FPS and learning areas. Students are given opportunities and encouraged to ask questions and challenge and support eachother to further their thinking through inquiry.